Lawn Care News

Today's Guide: How To Move A Tree

Today’s Guide: How to Move a Tree

Not all homeowners know how to move a tree the right way. Before deciding to move your favorite tree, doing your research gives your tree a better chance of thriving in its new location. Whether you need to move a tree because it requires more sunlight, more shade, or it is just too large for its current space, here are some tips to make the process easier.


It's Crabgrass Prevention Time

It’s Crabgrass Prevention Time

The warm weather and sunshine do wonders for the New Jersey landscape this time of year. Unfortunately, warmer temperatures also bring crabgrass. Initially found in Africa, crabgrass is an annual weed that spreads rapidly through its seeds. Since it sits low to the ground, crabgrass prevention can be challenging, as it rarely falls victim to the lawn mower and requires special attention for removal.


Dandelions Blowing In The Wind

Dandelions Blowing In The Wind

Controlling Dandelions On Your Lawn As a child, the sight of dandelions in the backyard meant one thing, the possibility for an endless number of wishes once they turn into fluffy white stems. As adults and homeowners, a backyard full of dandelions isn’t quite as magical. These widespread lawn weeds are persistent and difficult to […]


Using Lime On Your Lawn

Using Lime On Your Lawn

Many homeowners wish they could swap their spotty lawns with the ones in the movies or TV shows. These common fantasies about having lush green backyards are consistent for homeowners all over the country. Unfortunately, growing a lawn that is the envy of your neighborhood requires ongoing work. In New Jersey, some have found success with fertilizing, mowing, aeration, and even using lime! But does this really work?


Where and Why Your Yard Needs Mulch

Where and Why Your Yard Needs Mulch

Does My Yard Need Mulch? When mornings start with birds chirping, flowers breaking through the ground, and warm sunlight, it can only mean one thing – Spring has arrived! This is the time of year when you get to work outside and care for your lawn before the humid temperatures arrive in New Jersey. When […]


Understanding Grasses That Grow in the Shade

Understanding Grasses That Grow in the Shade

Types of Grasses That Grow In The Shade No two dream backyards look the same. Some are simple, consisting only of a big grassy area for kids to run and play in. Others are more intricate with retaining walls, entertaining areas, and trees to create shaded areas on hot summer days. One of the long-term […]