It’s Crabgrass Prevention Time

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Everything You Need To Know About Crabgrass Prevention

The warm weather and sunshine do wonders for the New Jersey landscape this time of year. Unfortunately, warmer temperatures also bring crabgrass. Initially found in Africa, crabgrass is an annual weed that spreads rapidly through its seeds. Since it sits low to the ground, crabgrass prevention can be challenging, as it rarely falls victim to the lawn mower and requires special attention for removal.

Crabgrass Prevention Tips

Crabgrass is an aggressive weed that can turn even the best-manicured lawns into an eyesore. However, there are some things you can do to prevent crabgrass from appearing in your backyard this summer.

  1. Keep the lawn the right height.
    Mowing a lawn too short opens the door for crabgrass to flourish because it needs direct sunlight. By maintaining lawn height to two inches and above, sunlight is less likely to reach the soil and help crabgrass grow.
  2. Water the grass.
    During the dry months of summer, grass tends to thin out if it doesn’t have enough moisture. When this happens, crabgrass uses the bare spots as a place to take hold and begin to grow. Watering grass every morning throughout the summer helps to keep it long and thick, minimizing the chances of crabgrass growth.
  3. Treat the lawn in May or June.
    Some weeds should be treated for during the early spring, but crabgrass is not one of them. Since crabgrass flourishes in the hotter summer months, it doesn’t start to germinate until May or June, when the soil reaches 55 degrees. By treating a lawn for crabgrass during these months, you are less likely to see it emerge in the summer.
  4. Reseed bare spots.
    In the early spring, take the time to reseed any existing bare spots. Applying fertilizer helps to encourage growth and establish roots more quickly. After mowing these areas at least four times, apply crabgrass treatment.
  5. Remove crabgrass as it appears.
    If crabgrass does start to appear, remove it immediately using a weeding tool. It is essential that crabgrass is removed before the seeds appear. To stay on top of eliminating crabgrass, check the lawn after watering at least once a week.
  6. Mulch the soil.
    Once you remove a patch of crabgrass, add mulch to the bare area to prevent new crabgrass from taking root. Mulch prevents any remaining crabgrass seed from germinating.

Are you tired of fighting crabgrass on your own? Contact Perennial Lawn Care to create a customized lawn care treatment program for your backyard!

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