Customized mosquito control & repellant programs for Northern & Central NJ homeowners & businesses
Perennial’s Seasonal Mosquito Preventative Programs!
Zika, the latest and potentially most devastating mosquito transmitted disease has evolved into a threat to residents in the United States.
How Does Zika Spread?

The most dominant way that Zika is spread is through mosquitos, specifically an infected Aedes species mosquito. The Zika Virus, which is found in the blood, can be passed from an infected person to another person through mosquito bites, taking the contaminated blood of one person and infecting countless others. The Zika virus is detrimental to pregnant woman as it can be passed to her fetus during pregnancy possibly causing a variety of fetal brain defects. The best way to avoid viruses such as Zika or West Nile is to protect yourself from mosquito bites with a Mosquito Control Program that administers EPA-registered repellents.
Mosquito Breeding

Many areas of the United States have the type of mosquitos that can spread Zika Virus, along with other mosquito-borne diseases, such as West Nile Virus. These mosquitos typically breed in areas of standing water on your or around your property, in addition to objects such as buckets, bowls, animal dishes, flower pots, and ponds which often can be found on your property.
Perennial Mosquito Program
At Perennial, we don’t want these harmful pests to take away the enjoyment of your outdoor activities. With our Mosquito Control Program we apply applications every 4-6 weeks beginning in May and ending in October. Our EPA-registered products will be applied to your trees and shrubs, as well as any areas of moisture to help prevent these disease carrying pests from making your yard their breeding ground. This program can be customized to meet all your needs.